January 29, 2010



rindunye kat blog..
byk nye nak kongsi tp mase x cukup2..
hehe.. akak2 yg nak exam still bleh update blog..
nape la malas sgt amie ni.. haha

post kali ni juz nak upload gamba saje..
untuk pengetahuan semua.. saye dah nak exam..
so sy xde mood nak update blog..hehe

aritu ade majlis rapat ukhwah.. hepi sgt dpt kenal rmai org yg mule2 nye x knal..
hepi dan sedar betape manisnye ukhwah :)

ni pulak nak masak kek cheese ntuk yus, cucu kesayangan saye.. sy, nenek n anis x tdo pg2 bute tggu kek ni masakk.. huhu.. thx nisa' sbb ajar :) pasni nak masak kek coklat pulak!! haaha

birthday suprise untuk yus... sori yus :)

buruk tp sedap.. hik3..

alex da makin sejuk.. ni baru pas hujan.. amek gamba pelangi.. aritu ade double pelangi tp lupe nak amek gamba.. huhuuu..

sy sgt rindu femli sy.. bhgienye bile dapat kol..
smoge Allah meluaskan rezeki kami.. amin..

sy ade masalah besar..
sy rase terbeban dgn masalah ni..
sy tkut kne soal ngan Allah nti knape x tegur kwn sy buat slah..
tp dlu sy pun pnah buat slh tu... cume sy da taubat..
sy tau it will take time ntuk dy kumpul kkuatan ntuk berubah..
tp kawan sy x makan saman even sy da crite yg sy pun boleh berubah, dy pun boleh....
oh kawan, tinggalkan lah.. n percayalah pd takdir Allah jika dy benar2 untuk kamu..
sy syg kamu kawan.. huk3,,
doakan kawan sy dpt hidayah sperti mane sy mndapat hidayah..
doakan saye berjaya mnjdi seorg da'ie yg benar2 bjaye..
ya ALLAH, bantulah kami...

doakan sy tidak melagha.. hehe :)
ya Allah, jika dia untukku, tetapkanlah hati ini..
jika dia bukan untukku, jauhkanlah dy dariku..

January 9, 2010

hidup =)

tbe2 rase nak wat blog plak after bace blog2 org..
rase mcm byk yg nak dikongsi..

the first thing is my experience in MTC PCI yesterday..
well, not all the fes year students invited to join this meeting..
and dak2 fes yer bukannye rajen sgt nak join mesyuarat2 persatuan ni... keh2
but for me, i love to know about people around me..
love to care about what's happening around me..
well, org kate suke bergaul.. yup, that's me..
thanks to kak aindah who asked for my help to be the pencatat minit mesyuarat..
even my fingers went sengal2 after writing all the time..
keep listing all the points spoken out by them.. ok la, x kesah pun..
at least jdik org penting jugak dlm meeting ni.. keh3... perasan!
rasenye kalah menyalin lecture dgn salin minit mesyuarat..
dgn abg din speaking + ckp laju nak mampus.. i gave up.. hahaha
nti kak aindah mntk la speech text dy... lg senang..

as it was my fes tyme involvg in this meeting, i was a lil bit shocked la dgn session dlm mtc ni..
sesi muhasabah nye agak hot! sgt hot kot..
with all the seniors attacking each other...
ya Allah, cuak rsenye.. cmni ke agaknye situasi dlm dewan prlimen yg org duk lawan2 mulut tu?
tp kak aindah kate, ni baru sikit.. kat luar lg truk..
ok fine, now i realized that i have to learn more about life..
n from dat meeting, i realized, being an ajkt is not easy!
ape perasaan agaknye bile orang persoalkan ape yg kite dah buat bile jdik any ajk..
why this and why dat? even small things yg sy rase x ptut dipertikaikan pun jdik besar..
fuh~ ni baru kene soal ngan manusia tntg amanah, dgn Allah? ish.. masya Allah..
in my head, timbul 1 questn.. knape la sume org berebut2 nak jwtan mase skola dlu ea?
sdgkan jwatan tu 1 amanah yg sgt besar.. ish3.. taubat2 xnak jwtn dah..
but kalo xde org nk trime tggjwb, cmne ngan dunie ni?
haish, amie ni, byk pke plak.. blaja2..

well, congrate to abg rahim n kak yani coz dpt naek taun ni..
x sie2 promotion ku.. kah3..
even x boleh vote pun still lobi abg rahim.. kuang3..
xpela, abg rahim x tau i lobbied for him pun xpe la..
kah2.. at least i've helped u wif the teratak iskandar.. kui3..
n usul teratak pun menang, hope jdik reality n benefits all of us.. insya Allah..
even susa nak terima kak nawwar n abg din di bawah, xpe.. kte still sokong =) cewah~
pesal la smngt sgt pasal perubatan ni amie? haiyaaa~
0o abg rahim, tlg la jgn wat mnde2 pelik plak lepas ni..
tlg la betul2 x garang mcm abg din.. kah3..
nti sume dak fes yer n akhawat takutt.. ahhahaa, ntah pape..

2ndly, i've made a damn hard decision in my life klmarin..
it's not easy but i've got what i wanted..
*it's not what i wanted at all! but i have to..*
xpe la amie, redha je la..
smoge menjadi budak baek ye amie.. heh!
huuhu, xnak ckp pnjg2 la..

thanks to my beloved mum yg bagi support non stop..
i love u mum for being at my side when the time is hard for me..
and kawan2 amie jeles sbb amie ade mak yg boleh kongsi cerite anak dy breakup n
give advices, make me feel calm back..
dun worry mak, amie ok je..
thanks to my dear frens for being understanding..
thanks to kamu yg memahami kehendak saye..
berkorbanlah skrg ntuk mase depanmu..

0o my dear flu n cough, please go away~
ouh, byknye nak kene bace.. byknye nak kene revise
ouh, hati ni nak kene rawat lagi..
byknye keje nak buat..

hahhaaa.. haish, sudah2 lah bermimpi...
u got a long way to go, amie..

till now, pen off!
ops, pray for me yeah~

January 7, 2010



now, i'm trying to live with a brand new heart .. o Allah, help me purifying my feeling, accepting that he's not mine n i'm not his anymore coz i'm Yours.. (╥_╥)


sy selitkan nasihat seorg bape kepade anak lelakinye yg merupakan rkan sperjuangan saye melalui facebooknye :)

My dear son, I love you very much. Today, I’m writing about something serious. There will be a time when you are going to choose somebody to marry, to share your life with. Before you do that, please consider this piece of advice from me.Once I asked a wise man , “What advise would you give to your son, in finding a gi...rl to marry ?” The wise man said, “I told my sons, I love you very much and I want you to enter jannah (paradise). But in order to enter jannah, you will need to serve your mother, to make your mother happy, and it will be very difficult for you to do it if your wife does not help you in doing so.”

So, my dear son, today, I’m advising you the same thing and I hope you will consider this seriously. I want nothing from you except goodness. You know your mother. So, please use your wisdom in making that important decision…Well, that’s life. In building harmonious marriage, compromises and sacrifices must be offered ...by both parties – the husband and the wife. Nevertheless, everything must be put within context according to priority. Wisdom is really needed, but again wisdom is accumulated throughout the journey of life. Pick them up as you find them, and never be ashamed of seeking advise from wise people around you as you’ll never regret it. The Quran says something to the effect ..”ask from those who know on matters you know not”.

p/s: mak jangan risau, amie ok =D frust le jugak.. hehe.. amie bleh jage diri amie.. mak jgn risau ye :D